Oh Boy[s]

Today was…interesting, to say the least. I am trying to get into the swing of this whole two kids thing…it’s been pretty good, but at times…pretty difficult.
Now I am somewhat able to get on the floor to play with Nolan, so this morning…that’s what I did. I positioned Archer on my leg and Nolan and I played with his mega blocks, then Archer had some tummy time while Nolan and I smashed the tower we built.


After lunch, Nolan and I finished our Halloween craft that we started yesterday with Robyn!
I actually got to nap today too! Which was awesome. Nolan didn’t, but Matt was home from work today {things at the shop are slowing down a bit…more about that in a bit} so he hung out with Nolan while I caught up on some sleep.
When I woke up, Nolan and I coloured and then the three of us spent a lot of time cuddling on the couch.

It was my first time cuddling with both boys in my arms…since usually Nolan will keep his distance if I’m holding Archer. It was awesome, and it did a lot to restore my mood to a happy one. 
{Nolan tested my patience all day long and spent quite a lot of time on the time out chair for not listening and being naughty}. 
Tomorrow, we have a doctors appointment in the morning. I’m also really hoping that the person who wants to buy my phone actually buys it so I have some extra cash for us to do a fun Friday night 🙂 we’re going to rent a movie {either Mars Needs Moms or Rango} and hopefully order a pizza {if this guy comes through}. I want to make it a regular Friday thing! 
Matt’s also going to spend tomorrow job hunting, since things in the shop he works at are slowing down. Fingers crossed that he finds something at a registered shop that will keep him busy all winter! It’s time, anyway. His current job is good and all but he needs to start piling up those hours towards an apprenticeship. 
ANYWAYS Vampire Diaries is on so I’ve gotta go 😉

About J.C. Hannigan

25. Mother. Wife. Lover of words. Weaver of stories. My first book, Collide, is available in e-book for Amazon Kindle and Kobo.
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4 Responses to Oh Boy[s]

  1. Omg loving the pic of both the boys cuddling in your arms! Archer is so darn cute with ALLthat hair!

  2. jess ♥ says:

    @Allie: I love it too!!! Thank you 🙂

  3. dramaticmama says:

    OH Jess I LOVE those crafts!! I want to make one with Dustin. He's a little too young probably, but I am sure he would “try to help”. Totally going to try those!
    & your boys are completely adorable! 🙂

  4. Seriously cute little lanterns you guys put together there. It sucks that the dude didn't show up for your phone. No shows are so effing annoying. Good luck on the job hunt to your hubby!

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